SUBJECT: Free Training Class – “Using Free Internet Tools To Build A $1MM busi-ness”.

Hey <NAME>
Hope all is going great.
It’s about to get better!
I want to give you a training to allow you to build a massively profitable business you can
sell for SEVEN FIGURES using free online tools that you probably already own!
No exaggeration, no fluff, just pure gold content.
This is going to be a simple training class that gives you the EXACT methods and tactics
you can easily use to tap into a multi billion dollar industry and build yourself a “real” and
highly profitable company that you can sell to hungry brand buyers for at least $1,000,000.
We are going to reveal how:
– To use the free tools to create a genuine hands free lifestyle business
– How that business has long term value AND huge daily profitability
– How it can be run from literally anywhere in just a few hours per week.
– How you could choose to sell that business for $1,000,000
This is the kind of business that provides leverage…
Leverage to:
– Work from anywhere
– Escape from the 9-5 hell and finally fire your boss.
– Retire in luxury
– Cover outrageous college tuition fees
– Enjoy luxury vacations
So what are you waiting for?
Register now by clicking below:
I can’t wait to see you in the web training.


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SUBJECT: You already have everything you need to get to a 7 figure pay day
Hey <Name>
It’s true.
You most likely already have what you need to achieve life changing income.
All you need now is an implementation strategy and a hungry market.

Fortunately we will be revealing BOTH on the free training class we are running this {IN-

We are not holding anything back.
Jon is going to reveal the EXACT method he used to build a $100MM empire online.
Don’t miss this.
Sign up here right now


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Subject : What would you give up for a 7 fig bank balance?
Hi <name>
– a finger?
– An arm ?
– A first born child?
Well luckily for you there is no need to do anything so extreme.
All you need to give up is 90 mins for your time on our training class staring in just 30 mins.
Get registered here <link>
Jon Bowtell is revealing how to use free internet tools to build a wildly profitable business
that you can run from anywhere.
This business can easily be sold for a 7 figure payday.
So put down the the sharp blades all you need is to click here now <link>
This might be the most important training you watch this year.
[sign off]

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SUBJECT: Affiliate marketing not as profitable as you thought?
Hey <NAME>
How are those affiliate pay days working out for you ?
If you are anything like 90% of affiliates out there, your answer will be “What Pay Days! “
Even if you are making a decent side hustle with affiliate marketing, you are still working for
someone else.
You are still ONLY making a commission and not building a salable asset.
What happens if your most profitable offer closes ?
You go back to square 1.
Let us show you how you can work less and get more !
– More profitability
– More freedom
– More time
and do all of that while building a valuable asset you can sell for a seven figure pay day !
The best part is you literally have what you need to do this already…..
The only part you are missing is the method to follow.
To get that you need to register for our free training on Thursday 3rd November.
Get Registered Now <LINK>

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SUBJECT: Here’s the deal 90 mins of your time in exchange for a 7 fig business.
I’m keeping this super short and to the point, because my guess is you’re very busy and
you value your time greatly.
So here’s the deal.
If you give us 90 minutes of your attention on {Insert DATE}, we will give you the exact blue
print to building a wildly profitable hands off business you can sell for 7 figures.

Register Here <LINK>

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SUBJECT: 9 figure marketer reveals $164B industry hack.
We just partnered with Jon Bowtell (Mr $100 Million) and he is revealing his secret hack for
turning your computer into a monster Cash Machine that not only pays you day in and day
BUT additionally builds a huge brand asset you can easily sell for $1,000,000 or more.
If you are looking to take your game to the next level, then register here <LINK>
This is for the action takers only.
Jon has agreed to reveal this hack with nothing held back, the full method will be shown
with exact diagrams for you to follow.
But you need to show up live and be ready to take notes and apply apply apply.
This 7 figure strategy can be done by anyone willing to just follow the simple steps shown.
Are you in ?
Register Here <LINK>
Then hit reply and let me know.

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SUBJECT : 7 figure strategy call – going live in 4 hours
We go live in just 4 hours.
If you’ve not registered yet, this might be your last chance to do it.
Register now: <LINK>
Remember you are going to discover:
– How to use free internet tools to create a genuine hands free lifestyle business
– How that business has long term value AND huge daily profitability
– How it can be run from literally anywhere in just a few hours per week.
– How you could choose to sell that business for $1,000,000
This training will be a total game changer if you’ve been dreaming of
– Working from anywhere on your schedule (no more alarm clocks!)
– Escaping from the 9-5 hell and finally fire your boss.
– Retiring in luxury
– Covering outrageous college tuition fees or debts
– Taking luxury vacations
Get registered now <LINK>

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SUBJECT : The $164 BILLION Dollar Question…
If you could click here: [LINK]
And break straight into a $164 billion dollar industry.
And be ready to claim your share of the profits in just 30 minutes.
Where you could:
• Let someone else do all the heavy lifting for you
• Have no huge investment
• Get a tried and tested plug n’ play system so you can start right away
• Have all the support and tasks you needed done in minutes = all under one dashboard
• Be guided by a marketing guru who’s already made more than $120 MILLION dollars
doing this exact same stuff, using this exact same method and actually using this exact
same system
• Get to see it all in action first, have all your questions answered, with no obligation to
Just from clicking here: [LINK]
Would you?

P.S. Why wouldn’t you?!

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SUBJECT: I was shocked !
It’s not that often that something comes across my radar that truly shocks me.
I’ve been around this game a little while and I thought I’d seen it all.
However when I was told about this 20 year internet sales veteran, who has generated over
$100MM. I needed to know more.
I need to get the skinny; The Who, What, Why and When…..
To see if this guy was the real deal.
Turns out…..that he is!
He’s been around since the early days, but you’ve probably never heard of him.
• He’s not been shouting about his successes,
• or shooting video’s in private jets,
• or taking selfies with glamor models on golden beaches.
In fact he told me he prefers to spend his time with his dogs on his 180 acre estate, away
from any online posturing
The rest of the time he is working on grabbing a bigger slice of the $164 billion industry in
which he operates.
Now you can get a slice of that same industry.

In this free training class you will see how ANYONE, can jump into these exact same mar-
kets and compete with the big boys, but with ZERO RISK.

It is all starting <INSERT DATE & START TIME>
Don’t miss out on this one, get registered now. <LINK>

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HEADLINE: It’s a $164B Unicorn Niche and I have the keys to the castle !
Hi <Name>
There are some industries in the online space that are just vast.

Huge, immense sections of the internet landscape, so large in their value it’s hard to imag-
ine them.

Even fewer of these “Unicorn Niches” are growing so rapidly that they will double their al-
ready immense size, in just a few short years.

What I think when I hear this is three things:
But you need a plan, a structure to follow and frankly, you need something to make it idiot
proof (no offense intended).
Thankfully I have you covered in the web class I have booked starting <Insert Date and
My guest has over 20 years and $100MM in sales behind him in these niches and this is
your opportunity to profit off the back of a genuine expert in his field.
Do not miss this one, you will regret it.
Get registered right now <LINK>
Sign Off

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HEADLINE: I’m gonna make you an offer you can’t refuse.
I’m gonna make this super short, right to the point, and devastatingly clear.
Once in a decade (maybe once in lifetime) an opportunity comes by that is so great, so awe
inspired, so drop dead simple to see, that frankly, you would be insane to ignore it.
This is that opportunity <LINK>
It’s a live web training from a 20 year online veteran, who is showcasing a method to tap
into $164 billion industry and grab yourself a slice of the pie.
It is starting <INSERT DATE AND TIME>
This is one that you will look back on in 10 years saying “I was there at the start”
Get registered now <LINK>

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HEADLINE: The easy way, or the hard way – it’s up to you.
There’s and easy way to do things
and there’s the hard way to do things.
Most people just aren’t aware they are doing things the tough way until someone comes
along and shows them just how simple it could be.
How simple it can be, to snag a slice of a booming industry
How simple it can be, to run a lifestyle business from anywhere.
How simple it can be, to allow someone else to do all the hard work, while you cream the
Register Now and we will show you a new simple way. <LINK>
This is a live time sensitive class, so do it now !

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HEADLINE: Never play cards with a magician.
You know, there are some things you should just never do.
• Don’t play cards with a magician, you’ll lose your shirt (learnt that the hard way)
• Don’t use a weed whacker naked – ouch !
• Don’t eat yellow snow (a classic)
But there are somethings that you absolutely should do, in fact they are essential if you
want to succeed in todays competitive market place.
• You should show up every day and be consistent.
• You should fail fast and be prepared to pivot, learning from your mistakes.
• You should follow the clues that success leaves.
You should register for this live training i’m running with a $100MM online veteran who is
going to show you EXACTLY how to:
• Grab a slice of a $164B market that is consistently growing

• How to fail fast at ZERO cost, allowing you to learn from your mistakes without hurt-
ing your bank balance.

• Forget about the clues and just follow the proven template for success he is going
to give you.
Its LIVE at <Insert Date and Time>
Register for it right now. <LINK>

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HEADLINE: Well I was there, where were you ?
So, I was there, Jon was there, about 300 hundred other people were there.
All of them blown away by the methods that Jon revealed.
They could see how they could easily use it to:
• Grab a slice of a MAMMOTH $164 billion market
• Test market 100’s of products to find the winners and losers – without spending a
• Scale winning products to almost unlimited sales.
• Ultimately profit in a virtually “hands off” business where someone else takes care
of all of the hard work.
But you must have be born under lucky star, because I managed to secure an exclusive
replay and it’s available right now.
So don’t miss out on this second chance
Check it out right now <Link>

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HEADLINE: It was just me, a bucket of jello, the seven dwarfs and a snap on multi-
tool drill attachment.

No, wait…..
That was the dream I had after late night snacking on that funny smelling cheese I found at
the back of the refrigerator.
What I meant to say was….
It was me, a $100MM online veteran and the most innovative system I’ve seen in a
That was at the live webinar you missed the other day.
Fortunately for you, I managed to snag the replay video and it available for you to watch
here <LINK>.

So, don’t waste another second.. watch it now <LINK>
I’m off to find some more of that cheese.

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HEADLINE: Replay video is uploaded and I’m buzzing with excitement
I’m buzzing like a hive of very excited bee’s on their way back from the annual buzziest bee
That live webinar was “off the hook!” as the young folk say these days (so I’m told)
If you were there you will know what I mean.
It’s not often I see such excitement on the release of a brand new system but the comment
section was red hot with comments and positivity.
Thats what happens when a 20 year online veteran pours all of his knowledge out over 90
minute golden nugget fest
A system that is totally unique and genuinely can have you up and running making profits in
a $164 billion niche within 30 minutes of receiving your account login details.
It is simply that powerful…
If you missed it I suggest you watch the replay now <LINK>
But don’t wait too long, this is a time sensitive offer and the clock is ticking.
So drop what you are doing and watch it now.
You don’t want to miss this one.

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HEADLINE: Tick Tock .. Tick Tock… Time is running out
I don’t know what else to tell you…
The replay is up, but the offer closes shortly
These are just a few of the highlights
• 60 second setup
• live custom branded products within 30 minutes
• test unlimited offers
• unlimited custom domains
• unlimited orders
• unlimited brands
• one time pricing
There is not long left. Watch the replay now <LINK>
Then hit the buy button before you miss out.

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HEADLINE: You’re drinking in the last chance saloon
Dear <NAME>
Here’s the deal.
I’m gonna lay it out straight.
The replay of the webinar is here: <LINK>
That webinar in 90 mins long and the offer is closing in the new few hours.
So really there is not a lot of time.
and once the time is over you can’t get into this.
I don’t want you to miss out.
It is a FANTASTIC opportunity for anyone with an internet connection and a pulse to make
virtually “hands off” profits.
I know you’re going to thank me for referring you.
So take the time to watch the replay right now <LINK>
Then take action and beat the clock.

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